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The Annual Performance Reports (APRs) are submitted by the Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) grantees yearly. For those with E01 grants, there are now two separate deliverables that grantees need to submit in order to complete the performance report submission.  

These annual reports are divided into two separate deliverables:

  • The Annual Performance Report (APR) deliverable contains the The National Center for Health Workforce Analysis (NCHWA) Forms
  • The Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) Performance Report deliverable contains the NFLP financial forms

To complete the performance report submission, complete the APR deliverable (NCHWA forms) and submit. Then, complete and submit the NFLP Performance Report deliverable (NFLP forms). As reminders about the process, there are messages on the deliverable pages with information about submitting the deliverables.   

On this page

APR Deliverables

Navigating to the APRs

1Click on the Tasks tab from the top navigation bar in the EHBs. 

Screenshot of the EHBs header tabs highlighting the Tasks tab


You can see all of your open tasks from the Pending Tasks page. 

Screenshot of the Pending Tasks List page


The Annual Performance Reports are split into two deliverables, and listed as separate line items:

A. The APR deliverable is listed with the tracking number containing BPMAPR, and a due date in late-July

B. The NFLP Performance Report deliverable is listed with the tracking number containing BPMAPRNFLP, and a due date in mid-August

Screenshot of the Pending Tasks List page showing the two different Annual Performance Report devlierables

APR Deliverable (NCHWA Forms)


Click Start/Edit next to the APR deliverable (BPMAPR) to begin working on the NCHWA forms.

Screenshot of the Pending Tasks List page highlighting the Edit button to work on the deliverable


You will land on the Performance Reports - Status Overview page, where you can access the Grant Purpose, Training Program, and IND-GEN forms. 

Screenshot of the Performance Reports Status Overview page


The warning message at the top of the Overview page contains a reminder to submit both deliverables. 

Screenshot of the Warning message with a reminder to complete both deliverables


To start, click on Grant Purpose and select one of the Grant Purpose options and then click Save.

  • Conduct Active Training Programs and Maintain and Administer NFLP Loan Fund
  • Maintain NFLP Loan Fund

Screenshot of the Grant Purpose Setup page


If you select Maintain NFLP Loan Fund, you do not need to provide IND-GEN information. You are able to go straight to the Validation Summary and then Review and Submit the APR. 

Screenshot of the Report Validation Summary


If you select Conduct Active Training Programs and Maintain and Administer NFLP Loan Fund, you need to complete the IND-GEN forms and NFLP APR submission. Use the left navigation bar or Submission Report Status section to move through the forms and track your status as you complete the deliverable. 

Screenshot of the Performance Reports Status Overview page showing the different forms to complete


Once all of the forms are complete, select Submit to submit the first deliverable. 

Screenshot of the Performance Reports Status Overview page showing the Submit option


On the Submit Report page, ensure everything is complete and click Submit. As a reminder, you will see a warning message to also submit the NFLP Performance Report deliverable. 

Screenshot of the Submit Report Page showing the Submit button

During the review process, if the APR is returned for revisions after being submitted, you are still able to move forward with completing and submitting the NFLP forms. 

NFLP Performance Report Deliverable (NFLP Forms)


Click Start/Edit next to the NFLP Performance Report deliverable (BPMAPRNFLP) to begin working on the NFLP forms. 

Screenshot of the Pending Tasks List page showing the Start option for the NFLP deliverable


You will land on the Performance Reports - Status Overview page, where you can access the NFLP Forms 1-4. 

Screenshot of the Performance Report Status Overview page for the NFLP deliverable


Use the left navigation bar or Submission Report Status section to move through the forms and track your status as you complete the deliverable. 

Screenshot of the Performance Reports Status Overview page for NFLP deliverable showing how to navigate the forms through the left menu or main page


Once all of the forms are complete, select Submit. Then, on the Submit Report page, ensure everything is complete and click Submit to complete your Annual Performance Reports.

Screenshot of the Performance Reports Status Overview page for NFLP deliverables showing the Submit Option


Note that if you click Submit on the NFLP Performance Report deliverable before submitting the APR deliverable, you will receive an error message, and must submit the APR deliverable first. 

Screenshot of the Error message with the reminder to complete the Annual Performance Report before submitting the NFLP performance report

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