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1.FY23 ECV Status Update Overview

The fiscal year (FY) 2023 Expanding COVID-19 Vaccination (ECV) awards to health centers increase access to, confidence in, and demand for updated COVID-19 vaccines within their service areas. The FY23 ECV Status Update covers the initial ECV period of performance, December 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023.

2.Accessing the ECV Status Update

1. Login to EHBs. 

pending tasks list page

2. From the EHBs home page, click the Tasks tab to view the Pending Tasks - List page.

3. The ECV Status Update task will show 'Other Submissions' in the 'Task' column and will show your ECV grant number in the 'Entity' column.

Note: The tracking number for the ECV Status Updated is indicated by the 'SU'

4. Click the Start or Edit link in the 'Options' column to begin your status update. 

3.Completing the ECV Status Update

1. On the Status Update - Status Overview page, you will see the applicable forms to complete the ECV status update. The report consists of two forms:

  • Contact Information
  • FY23ECV-SU Form

status update overview page

2. Click the Update link in the 'Options' column next to the Contact Information Form.

3.1 Completing the Contact Information Form

1. Enter the contact information for the point of contact for your ECV Status Update. 

contact info page

2. Click the Save and Continue button to proceed to the ECV Status Update Form.

3.2 Completing the ECV Status Update Form

1. Complete the following questions on the ECV Status Update Form.

q1 screnshot

Question 1: Project Status

  • Indicate the status of your project.

Question 2: Please provide a status report on all activities conducted from 12/1/2022 through 5/31/23 supported with this funding in the following areas consistent with the HRSA-approved Expanding COVID-19 Vaccination (H8G) Award Submission. For each activity included in the approved Activities List, select “Complete,” “In Progress,” or “Not Started.” Select “N/A” ONLY if the activity was not included in your approved Activities List. Provide a detailed narrative and document successes and lessons learned. 

  • For questions 2a-2h, select "This Activity Completed," "Activity In Progress," "Activity Not Started," or "N/A: This activity was not included in my project work plan/proposal" to describe the status of funded activities over the last six months.
  • Provide a narrative status update for each activity.
  • If you have a budget modification that affects the funded categories, contact your Investment Oversight Advisor (IOA).
  • Narratively describe any successes as well as any lessons learned from the project.

q2 screenshot

Question 3: Are the activities described above and associated uses of the funds consistent with your approved Expanding COVID-19 Vaccination award submission (initial ECV post-award application
submission and ECV extended budget submission, as applicable)?

  • If no, provide an explanation

q3 screenshot

Question 4: Indicate all barriers in the use of the funding and/or implementing the planned activities within the initial six-month period of performance consistent with your approved ECV submission (initial ECV post-award application submission and ECV extended budget submission) as applicable? 

  • Make a selection for 4.1 if there were any barriers. If none, leave blank.
  • Provide a narrative for 4.2 if there were any barriers faced.

q4 screenshot

3. Click the Save and Continue button to proceed to the Review page.

4.Submitting the ECV Status Update

1. On the Review page, review your progress report forms to ensure that all information entered is accurate. Access each form by clicking on the View link in the 'Options' column. Click on the Continue button to proceed to the Submit Update page.

review page

2. On the Submit Update page, click on the Submit button to submit your status update to HRSA.

submit update page

5.Responding to Change Requests for the ECV Status Update

1. After submitting the ECV Status Update, HRSA may determine that additional information or corrections are needed to what was originally submitted. 

  • In this case, an EHB email notification with more details regarding the requested changes will be sent to you.
2. If a change request is sent, your progress report will be accessible to you immediately in your pending tasks queue. Follow the steps found in section 2. Accessing the ECV Status Update to revisit and update the information in your progress report consistent with the email notification.