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General Information

The intended purpose of these dashboards is to provide improved access for Maternal Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) awardees to their performance data and to enhance data use and understanding. The performance dashboards can also serve as a technical assistance resource to support awardees in tracking and examining trends related to service utilization, participant demographics, and performance benchmark areas.

This infographic dashboard provides access to an annual overview of the Form 2 awardee data on Performance and Systems Outcome data.

Dashboard Key Features

The key features for these dashboards are: 

    • Graphical views of all 19 performance measures across the 6 benchmark areas
    • Filter between years, starting with 2017

On this page

Form 2 Infographic Dashboard

The Form 2 Infographic dashboard provides an annual summary overview of MIECHV awardee data on Performance and Systems Outcome measures.

The dashboard represents the data in the following categories:

    • Maternal and Newborn Health
    • Child Injuries, Maltreatment and ED visits
    • School Readiness and Achievement
    • Crime or Domestic Violence
    • Family Economic Self-Sufficiency
    • Coordination and Referrals

Filters: The dashboard includes a single select filter for Reporting Fiscal Year. Visualizations can be filtered for different years starting from FY 2017. The organization’s filter will be limited to the awardee’s own organization data.

Visualizations in this dashboard: Data for 19 performance measures is displayed using donut charts. A donut chart with asterisks represents performance measures where the direction for improvement in performance is downwards.

On hovering over the charts, the corresponding values for the visualizations are shown in the tooltips.

Screenshot of the Form 2 Summary dashboard showing the top of the page

Screenshot of the Form 2 Summary Dashboard showing the bottom part of the page

Form 2 Infographic Dashboard Visualizations

Maternal and Newborn Health: The data is represented in donut charts. The values are shown in percentage form for the following performance measures:

    • Preterm Birth
    • Breastfeeding
    • Depression Screening
    • Well Child Visit
    • Postpartum Care
    • Tobacco Cessation Referrals

Screenshot of the Maternal and Newborn Health Dashboard Visualization

Child Injuries, Maltreatment & ED visits: The data is represented in donut charts. The values are shown in percentage form for the following performance measures:

    • Safe Sleep
    • Child Injury*
    • Child Maltreatment

*Child Injury is represented as a rate not a percentage

Screenshot of the Child Injuries Maltreatment and ED Visits Dashboard Visualization

School Readiness & Achievement: The data is represented in donut charts. The values are shown in percentage form for the following performance measures:

    • Parent Child Interaction
    • Early Language and Literacy Activities
    • Developmental Screening
    • Behavioral Concern Inquiries

Screenshot of the School Readiness and Achievement Dashboard Visualization

Crime or Domestic Violence: The data is represented in donut charts. The values are shown in percentage form for the following performance measure:

    • Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Screening

Screenshot of the Crime or Domestic Violence Dashboard Visualization

Family Economic Self-Sufficiency: The data is represented in donut charts. The values are shown in percentage form for the following performance measures:

    • Primary Caregiver Education
    • Continuity of Insurance Coverage

Screenshot of the Family Economic Self Sufficiency Dashboard Visualization

Coordination and Referrals: The data is represented in donut charts. The values are shown in percentage form for the following performance measures:

    • Completed Depression Referrals
    • Completed Developmental Referrals
    • Intimate Partner Violence Referrals

Screenshot of the Coordination and Referrals dashboard visualization

Accessing the Dashboard in the EHBs


Login to the EHBs ( using and two-factor authentication.

For information about logging into the EHBs and, refer to the EHBs Login Process help pages.

You will land on the EHBs Home page. Click Dashboards on the Top Menu.

Screenshot of the EHBs homepage showing the dashboards tab


You will land on the Dashboards list page, listing all the available dashboards. Select MCHB (HVIS) Form 2 Infographic Dashboard from the list page.

Screenshot of th eDashboards list page showing MCHB HVIS Form 2 Infographic Dashboard option

3Click on the View Dashboard or the Eye icon link to open the dashboard.

Screenshot of the MCHB HVIS Form 2 Infographic Dashboard preview page showing View Dashboard button


The tables and visuals on the dashboard can be downloaded in the following formats: image, crosstab, data, PDF, and PowerPoint. By default, when there are no views selected, the dashboard will not display the download options for data and crosstab formats. Click once on the respective visual/table that needs to be downloaded and the options to download in data and crosstab format are activated.