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General Information

The intended purpose of these dashboards is to provide improved access for Maternal Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) awardees to their performance data and to enhance data use and understanding. The performance dashboards can also serve as a technical assistance resource to support awardees in tracking and examining trends related to service utilization, participant demographics, and performance benchmark areas, and quarterly indicators.

This infographic dashboard provides access to Form 4 data on service utilization, staffing measures, and geographic reach.

Note: Dashboard uses the dummy data in the below images.

Dashboard Key Features

The key features for these dashboards are:

    • Compare across multiple quarters, starting with Quarter 4 FY 2017
    • Placed Based Services map view by County or Zip Code
    • View trend lines for Program Capacity and Attrition

On this page

Program Capacity Dashboard

The Form 4 Program Capacity dashboard provides information on MIECHV awardee program capacity data.

The dashboard represents data in the following categories:

    • Current Caseload
    • Capacity

Visualizations in this dashboard: This dashboard includes visualizations of quarterly caseload and capacity trends. Caseload data is shown by continuing households and newly enrolled categories using stacked bar charts. Capacity percentage data is shown using a line graph, which includes a caseload capacity benchmark represented as a dashed reference line.

Filters: The dashboard includes a multi select Fiscal Year & Quarter filter, and single select Activity Code filter. The organization filter will be limited to the awardee’s own organization data. Visualizations can be filtered by applying the filters which gives an ability to filter the data for different years starting from FY 2017 Quarter 4.

On hovering over the charts, the corresponding values for the visualizations are shown in the tooltips.

Program Capacity Dashboard Visualizations

Current Caseload: The stacked bar chart demonstrates the number of current caseloads based on continuing households and newly enrolled categories.

Note: Test data is used to represent the data in this example visualization.

Screenshot of the Form 4 Program Capacity Dashboard

Capacity: The line graph demonstrates capacity percentage and includes a caseload capacity percentage using a dashed reference line.

Note: Test data is used to represent the data in this example visualization.

Screenshot of the Capacity Graph

Place-Based Services Dashboard

The Form 4 Place-Based Services dashboard provides information on MIECHV awardee place-based services data.

The dashboard represents the data in the below Views:

    • Counties
    • Zip Codes

Visualizations in this dashboard: The dashboard contains geographic visualizations of counties and zip codes of households served.

Filters: The dashboard includes a multi select Fiscal Year & Quarter filter, and single select Activity Code filter. The organization filter will be limited to the awardee’s own organization data. Visualizations can be filtered by applying the filters which gives an ability to filter the data for different years starting from FY 2017 Quarter 4.

On hovering over the charts, the corresponding values for the visualizations are shown in the tooltips.

Place-Based Services Visualizations

Counties View: The Counties Map view shows the data based on counties of households served.

Note: Test data is used to represent the data in this example visualization.

Screenshot of Map of Place Based Service Counties View

Zip Codes View: The Zip Codes Map view shows the data based on Zip codes of households served.

Note: Test data is used to represent the data in this example visualization.

Screenshot of the Zip Codes Served map

Family Engagement Dashboard

The Form 4 Family Engagement dashboard provides information on MIECHV awardee family engagement data.

The dashboard represents the data in the below categories:

    • Households
    • Attrition

Visualizations in this dashboard: This dashboard includes family engagement visualizations of quarterly household and attrition trends. Household data is shown by family engagement category type using bar charts. Attrition rate (number of households who stopped services before completion/ total number of households) is shown using a line graph.

Filters: The dashboard includes a multi select Fiscal Year & Quarter filter, and single select Activity Code filter. The organization filter will be limited to the awardee’s own organization data. Visualizations can be filtered by applying the filters which gives an ability to filter the data for different years starting from FY 2017 Quarter 4.

On hovering over the charts, the corresponding values for the visualizations are shown in the tooltips.

Family Engagement Dashboard Visualizations

Households: The bar chart demonstrates the number of households by family engagement category type based on fiscal year and quarter.

Note: Test data is used to represent the data in this example visualization.

Screen shot of Family Engagement Dashboard

Attrition Rate: The trend line chart demonstrates attrition rate trends based on fiscal year and quarter.

Attrition rate calculation: (Households that stopped services before completion/Total number of households)

Note: Test data is used to represent the data in this example visualization.

Screenshot of the Attrition Dashboard

Staff Recruitment and Retention Dashboard

The Form 4 Staff Recruitment and Retention dashboard provides information on MIECHV awardee staff recruitment and retention data.

Visualizations in this dashboard: This dashboard includes quarterly staffing trends using stacked bar charts representing values across the 3 staffing categories (Home Visitors, Supervisors, Other).

Filters: The dashboard includes a multi select Fiscal Year & Quarter filter, and single select Activity Code filter. The organization filter will be limited to the awardee’s own organization data. Visualizations can be filtered by applying the filters which gives an ability to filter the data for different years starting from FY 2017 Quarter 4.

On hovering over the charts, the corresponding values for the visualizations are shown in the tooltips.

Staff Recruitment and Retention Visualization

Staff Recruitment and Retention: The stacked bar chart demonstrates FTE values across the home visitors, supervisors, and other staff categories.

Note: Test data is used to represent the data in this example visualization.

Screen shot of Staff Recruitment and Retention Chart

Accessing the Dashboard in the EHBs


Login to the EHBs ( using and two-factor authentication.

For information about logging into the EHBs and, refer to the EHBs Login Process help pages.

You will land on the EHBs Home page. Click Dashboards on the Top Menu.

Screenshot of the EHBs homepage showing the Dashboards tab


 You will land on the Dashboards list page, listing all the available dashboards. Select MCHB HVIS Form 4 Dashboard from the list page.

Screenshot of the Dashboards list showing MCHB HVIS Form 4 dashboard option

3Click on the View Dashboard or the eye icon link to open the dashboard.

Screenshot of the MCHB HVIS Form 4 Dashboard preview page showing View Dashboard button


The tables and visuals on the dashboard can be downloaded in the following formats: image, crosstab, data, PDF, and PowerPoint. By default, when there are no views selected, the dashboard will not display the download options for data and crosstab formats. The user needs to click once on the respective visual/table that needs to be downloaded and the options to download in data and crosstab format are activated.