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What are the EHBs?

The EHBs are an electronic grants management system. It is also referred to as the Electronic Handbook (EHBs) and can be accessed using the following link:    

Can multiple Project Directors (PDs) be assigned to a single grant within the EHB system? 

Only one user is allowed to add the grant to his/her portfolio as the PD for that grant/report. Only one PD can be assigned to a grant. 

What are the PDs responsibilities within the EHBs?

PDs from the grantee organization register with the HRSA EHBs and add their grants to their portfolio. This ensures that only authorized individuals from the grantee organization can obtain access to the grant data. The PD also manages privileges (Start Submission, Edit Submission, View Submission, and Submit Submission) for additional users. 

If a Project Director leaves the grantee organization and they are the only one with control permissions for the grant portfolio, what happens?

  • The PD should transfer permissions to the Authorizing Official before leaving an organization.
  • If the PD leaves before sharing the permissions, submit a request to the HRSA Call Center. 

Why are race and ethnicity collected separately? 

Due to a revision of the Office of Management and Budgets (OMB) Statistical Policy Directive 15, titled Race and Ethnic Standards for Federal Statistics and Administrative Reporting, it is required that all federally collected data have a minimum of five race categories: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and White. Respondents are allowed to choose as many of these that apply. It also requires questionnaires to collect ethnicity data in a separate question from race. Ethnicity categories include "Hispanic or Latino" and "Not Hispanic or Latino."

Why do we collect information about multiple-race combinations? 

Utilizing a data collection tool with a multiple-race combination format provides grantees the opportunity to better capture the diversity within their programs. It also provides a more accurate picture of students active in the health profession. 

What reports do I have that are currently due? 

To see which reports are due, log into the EHBs. Navigate to your Grant Portfolio, and click on Submissions. The reports that are due will be listed there. 

The Project Director left, the grant has ended, and the grantee cannot enter the EHBs/PIMS. How can the grantee submit the report? 

The grantee should contact the HRSA Call Center for assistance. They will be able to assist the grantee with accessing the system and changing the PD. Note that irrespective of the change in the PD, the grantee is still required to submit a report. 

What is the next step after I have finished entering my PIMS data? 

Once you are done entering PIMS data click on Validate/Submit report found in the Workflow section on the Left Navigation Bar. The validate report function ensures that the report is complete and complies with the system. Be sure to click the Submit button or the report will not be submitted for review by the HRSA Project Officer.

Why can't I enter information on the Grantee Information Page? 

The Grantee Information page is only editable from the EHBs. You are not able to make changes while in PIMS.

May a grantee submit a paper copy or any other electronic format of the report? 

No. All grantees are required to enter information for their Performance Report and submit the report using PIMS and the EHBs. No other electronic formats will be accepted.

When is my report due? 

The Due Date is displayed on the top of all Grantee pages. The due date is after the data collection period's end date. 

What are the data collection periods? 

The data collection period for each report is found at the top of each report found in the PIMS system.  

How do I submit the report once I have completed it? 

Click on the Validate/Submit Report option found in the Workflow section of the Left Navigation Bar. You will then be navigated to a page with the following information:

  • Whether the report validation was successful or not
  • If the validation was successful, an option to continue submission
  • If you continue with submission, Certification of the Performance Report

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