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Videos: How to get started in HRSA's EHBs

Help Video TitleDuration
Getting Started in the EHBs3.38 minutes
How to Create an External EHBs Account3.27 minutes
How to Register to an Organization4.39 minutes

Why do I need to register as a user?

The purpose of the registration process is to collect consistent information from all users, avoid collection of redundant information, and uniquely identify each system user. The registration process ensures that only authorized individuals from an organization can view application and grant related information.

How do I register in the EHBs?


Members of a grantee organization should register to create an account. Registration is required only once. If you have registered before, do not register again.
Contact the HRSA Contact Center (visit Contact Form or call 1-877-464-4772) for assistance with your account if you experience problems logging in to the EHBs.

Step 1: Create or verify your account

  1. Create a (Create your account - account with the same email address you use to log into the EHBs. 
  2. If you already have a account, verify the account is active and uses the same email address used to log into the EHBs. 
    1. If the email address used for and the EHBs is different, you can create a new account with the EHBs email address, or add your EHBs email address as a secondary email in
  3. For step-by-step instructions on creating a account, refer to the Wiki Help page.

Step 2: Register your account in the EHBs

  1. Once you create your account, do the following:
    1. Visit
    2. Click on your user community to go to the login page.
    3. Click on the “Login” button which navigates you to
    4. Provide the credentials and two-factor authentication. On successful login to, you will be redirected to the EHBs profile creation page to create your EHBs account.
    5. Use the grant number associated with your State’s Block Grant to link to your organization.

Step 3: Submit your Organization Registration for Approval

  1. On the User Account - Register to an Organization page, you can search for the organization to which you wish to be associated using Organization Parameters, Grant Parameters, Free Clinic parameters, or FQHC-LAL Parameters. Click on the link for the specific parameter you wish to use.
  2. Enter the required information and click the Search button. A list of organizations that match your search criteria opens.
  3. In the Options column, click Register for the chosen organization. The request is submitted to the organization's user with the Primary Authorizing Official (AO) privilege to review and approve (that is, users with 'Manage Users' and ‘Manage Organization Profile’ privileges). If there are no users with this privilege, the request will be submitted to the organization’s Electronic Business POC in, to review and approve. 
  4. After a decision is made, you will receive an email notifying you if the request was approved or denied.
  5. If your request is approved, use the link in the email notification to login to the EHBs. Complete two-factor authentication and then the Annual User Acknowledgment page opens. 
  6. Please read the page and then click on the Accept button at the bottom of the page.


  1. Your organization must have an “Active” account in
  2. Your organization must have a user with the with Primary Authorizing Official (AO) privilege (both the 'Manage Users' and ‘Manage Organization Profile’ privileges).

What are the different EHBs organization roles?

Authorizing Official: The individual, named by the applicant organization, who is authorized to act for the applicant and to assume the obligations imposed by the Federal laws, regulations, requirements, and conditions that apply to grant applications or grant awards. If you are the designated authorizing official for your organization use this role.

Business Official: The individual, named by the applicant organization, who is authorized to review and submit the financial status report, and, interact with the payment management system. If you are the designated business official for your organization use this role.

Other: All other individuals of an organization who wish to participate in the electronic process should register using this role. HRSA's electronic process allows for additional functional roles such as Application Preparer, Project Director, Communication Contact etc.

What is the role of the Authorizing Official (AO) in the grants management process?

The Authorizing Official, named by the applicant organization, is authorized to act for the applicant and to assume the obligations imposed by the Federal laws, regulations, requirements, and conditions that apply to grant applications or grant awards. The signature of the authorizing official:

  • protects the legal rights and interests of the applicant organization
  • commits the application organization to fulfill obligations of HRSA grant

The signature of the authorized representative forms a legal contract between the applicant organization and the grantor agency, HRSA. By signing documents on behalf of the organization, the authorizing official binds the applicant organization to perform within the terms of the grant agreement, common assurances and certifications, administrative requirements, and programmatic requirements.

What are the responsibilities of the Authorizing Official? Are there any additional responsibilities in the electronic process?

The Authorizing Official is responsible for:

  • Developing a work plan or calendar to administer and achieve the goals and objectives of the grant award
  • Submitting timely, accurate program reports and ensuring the person responsible for fiscal reporting is also prompt and accurate
  • Ensuring the grant award is administered in compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations
  • Ensuring the grant award is administered in compliance with all the applicable terms and conditions

Specifically, the Authorizing Official has the following responsibilities in the electronic process within HRSA EHBs:

  • Managing and monitoring all the users registered on behalf of the organization
  • Ensuring that the organization profile is updated to reflect any changes in address, contact information, or CRS-EIN
  • Reviewing and submitting all the applications completed on behalf of the applicant organization

What is the role of the communication contact in the grants management process?

The communication contact serves as the single point of contact for an organization.

Can multiple people in my organization have the same role?

Yes. However, for each application, only one person can be associated for a given role. For example, there can be multiple Authorizing Officials for your organization, but only one of them can be listed as the AO for a given application. To allow multiple people to review the application, use the peer access feature.


There is no limit to the number of people who can be registered to your organization.

Can I represent multiple organizations using the same login information?

Yes! HRSA EHBs now allow you to use the same account to represent multiple organizations.

If I register to two or more organizations, do I need approval from the user with Primary Authorizing Official (AO) privilege for each organization? 

  • Yes, every request must be approved by the user with the Primary Authorizing Official (AO) privilege of each organization.
  • The EHBs sends automated reminder notifications to approvers.

How do I follow up on my registration request if my request is still pending? 

  • The EHBs sends automated reminder emails to approvers.

How will I know if my registration request has been approved or rejected? 

Once the reviewer (user with the Primary AO privilege or Electronic Business POC) approves or rejects your request, you will receive an email notifying you of the action taken. If approved, you can login to EHBs and confirm that the organization is displayed on the Organization list page.

What should I do if I am removed from the organization list accidentally but need access to the Organization, in EHBs?

You can submit a registration request and wait for the user with the Primary AO privilege to approve the request.

Who is the user with the Primary AO privilege?

  • A user (with any role) who has been granted the ‘Manage Users’ and ‘Manage Organization Profile’ privileges.
  • First person given the role of AO when registering to an organization automatically obtains this privilege.

Can an organization have more than one user with Primary AO privilege?

Yes, multiple users within an organization can have this privilege.

How do I see who the user with Primary AO privilege is?

If you are already registered to an organization, from the Organization tab, expand the arrow next to the organization name, and see the user with Primary AO privilege listed. 

If you are not already registered to an organization, search for the organization from the User Account Register to an Organization list page and then hover over the Registered AO names to see if there is a user with the Primary AO privilege.

Are the Authorizing Official role and Primary Authorizing Official privilege the same?

No, these are different. A user can have both the Authorizing Official role and Primary Authorizing Official privilege, however, they are not required to be the same user. 

Will I know who the registration request is assigned to?

The EHBs does not reveal the identity of the reviewers to the requester. This is as per the security requirements. This process of assigning an approver is automated.

How does the annual review for the Primary AO work?

On the anniversary date of the user's registration to the organization, the EHBs creates a task for the user with the Primary AO privilege to review and approve or remove the user from the organization. The task remains in the AO’s queue for 30 days. After 30 days of inaction, the user is automatically removed from the organization. 

When is a registration request sent to the Electronic Business POC?

  • If a user with the Primary AO privilege does not exist for an organization in EHBs, then the system automatically sends an email, with a link, to the Electronic Business POC. The link can be used to approve or reject the registration request. If no action is taken, the link expires after 30 days.
  • Until the Electronic Business POC approves a registration request and grants them the Primary AO privilege, the Electronic Business POC continues to be the approver for the organization.

Who is the Electronic Business POC?

The Electronic Business POC or Alternate Electronic Business POC associated with the organization’s profile.

As the Electronic Business POC, can I register to my organization in the EHBs?

Yes, you can register to the organization and will automatically be approved and given the Primary Authorizing Official privilege. If you do not want this privilege, you can assign those privileges (Manage Users and Manage Organization Profile) to another user and remove them from your account. 

How do I know if my organization is registered in the EHBs?

You can search for your organization in the EHBs from the Organizations tab. If you do not see your organization in the EHBs, you can import the organization from However, if you do not see your organization listed in, you can reach out to to verify your organization has an active account.

If I accidentally reject a registration request, can I reverse the decision?

 Once a decision is made on a registration request, there is not a way to reverse the decision. If the user was rejected by accident, they can submit another registration request.

If I accidentally remove a user during annual review, can I reverse the decision?

Once a user is removed, they would need to register to the organization again.

What happens is the user with Primary AO privilege is out for an extended period of time? 

It is important to have more than one user with Primary AO privilege so there is a backup to review registration request and complete annual review. If your organization only has one user with the Primary AO privilege and that user will be out of the office, ensure another user is provided with the privileges so there is no delay in reviewing the requests. 

How do I assign someone privileges to become the Primary AO?

 Refer to the Managing Users in the EHBs video and EHBs User Permissions Overview video for information about roles, privileges, and how to update privileges for a user within your organization.

What do I do if I am accidentally removed from an organization and lose my grant level privileges?

If you are removed from an organization (accidentally due to a missed approval during an annual review), submit a new registration request to the organization. Once approved, submit a request to have the grant privileges set up again. If you are the Project Director, submit a request to Tier 2 support to receive the grant level privileges.

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