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This page was made available on March 25, 2022.


The federal government is moving away from using the DUNS number and is replacing it with a new non-proprietary identifier, the Unique Entity Identifier, UEI. On April 4, 2022, the federal government will stop using the DUNS number to uniquely identify entities registered in the System for Award Management (SAM). At that point, entities doing business with the federal government will use a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) created in

For details on why this transition is happening, please refer to the GSA website,

To support this federal transition, HRSA’s Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) processes are moving to the UEI starting on March 24, 2022. The EHBs are being updated to enhance all fields labeled as DUNS number UEI.

This transition in the EHBs is expected to be completed by October 2022. 

What is the UEI?

The Unique Entity Identifier is the new 12-digit alphanumeric identifier that will be provided by registration to all entities who register to do business with the federal government (including the existing entities). This is the identifier which is replacing the use of the DUNS.

UEI Example: 23ABC4567DEF

What does this mean for me?

  • To apply for a HRSA funding opportunity or continue to do business with HRSA on or after March 24, 2022, your organization must have a UEI.  
  • Ensure your UEI is reflected in the EHBs.  
    • You can find the UEI in the Organization Folder.  
    • If you see the UEI no further action is needed.
    • If you do not see the UEI listed in the EHBs, ensure your organization is registered in and update organization details as needed.   
      • Note: Any changes to organization details may take up to two days to be validated and reflected in, and an additional day in the EHBs. 
    • After receiving your UEI from, reach out to your grant/program office contact to provide them with the UEI. 

What pages are being updated?

The following forms are being updated with the March 24, 2022 release:

    • NCC Progress Report Forms 
    • Property Tracking Forms
    • FFR SF-425

On this page

Example of changes in the EHBs

NCC Progress Report Forms

The New Competing Continuation Progress Reports now displays the UEI field in the Grantee Organization Information section. 

Screenshot of the NCC Progress Report Forms SF PPR form showing UEI field

Property Tracking Forms

The Property Tracking Forms have been updated to display the UEI in field 3a. 

Note: Existing SF-428 and SF-428B Forms will continue to display the DUNS, while new forms created post March, 24, 2022 will display the UEI. 

Screenshot of the Property Tracking Forms SF428 update page showing the UEI field

The Read Only versions of the SF-428 and SF-428B forms also display the UEI field. 

Screenshot of the Property report SF 428 form showing UEI field

FFR SF-425

The Financial Report SF-425 has been updated to display the UEI in the Recipient Organization section for all the FFRs submitted to PMS from April 4, 2022. 

Screenshot of  Financial Report SF 425 highlighting the UEI in the Recipient Organization section for all the FFR submitted to PMS from April 4, 2022.

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