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This page was made available on April 29, 2022.


The federal government is now using a new non-proprietary identifier, the Unique Entity Identifier, UEI in place of the DUNS number. As of April 4, 2022, the federal government stopped using the DUNS number to uniquely identify entities registered in the System for Award Management (SAM). Entities doing business with the federal government must use a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) created in

For details on why this transition is happening, please refer to the GSA website,

To support this federal transition, HRSA’s Electronic Handbooks (EHBs) processes moved to the UEI as of March 24, 2022. The EHBs are being updated to enhance all fields labeled as DUNS number to UEI.

This transition in the EHBs is expected to be completed by October 2022. 

What is the UEI?

The Unique Entity Identifier is the new 12-digit alphanumeric identifier that will be provided by registration to all entities who register to do business with the federal government (including the existing entities). This is the identifier which is replacing the use of the DUNS.

UEI Example: 23ABC4567DEF

What pages are being updated?

  • April 2022
    • BPHC
      • BHCMIS PRS Module - Capital Development Progress Report read-only pages
    • FORHP
      • Medicare Hospital Flexibility (FLEX) program
      • Telehealth Resource Center (TRC) Grant Program
  • May 2022
    • Grants Application Module (GAM) 2010
      • Participating Health Centers - Awardee Search
    • Federal Torte Claims Act (FTCA) 2010
      • Free Clinic Folder, Create Application, Update Free Clinic Details

On this page

BHCMIS Capital Development Progress Report

The read-only Capital Development Progress Report pages have been updated to no longer show the DUNS field. This change affects historical records as well as new records. The Progress Reports will continue to show all other existing fields including the Submission Tracking Number, UDS Number, and Grant Number. 

Screenshot of the Capital Development Progress Report Read Only page

Participant Health Centers - Awardee Search

The Participant Health Centers - Awardee Search page has been updated to display the UEI in place of the DUNS number. You can enter either the UEI or DUNS in the search box, however the UEI will display in the results.  

To navigate to the Participant Health Centers - Awardee Search page, from the Tasks tab, find the incomplete applications and select Edit for the organization and application you want to view. 

Screenshot of the Applications Incomplete List page showing the Edit option

On the Status Overview page, select Update in the Options column for the Participating Health Centers. 

Screenshot of the Status Overview page showing the Update option

On the Participating Health Centers List page, select the Add H80 Award Recipients button. 

Screenshot of the Participating Health Centers List page showing the Add H80 Award Recipients buttons

Once on the Participating Health Centers - Awardee Search page, use the UEI search field to find the organization you want to add. 

Screenshot of the Participating Health Centers Awardee Search page showing the UEI field


FLEX Program

The note in the FLEX Program Umbrella Grant Folder has been updated to reflect the UEI.

Screenshot of the Medicare Hospital Flexibility page showing note with UEI

TRC Program

A note has been added to the TRC program Umbrella Grant Folder reflecting the UEI.  

Screenshot of the Telehealth Resource Center Grant Program page highlighting the note with UEI

Federal Torte Claims Act (FTCA)

The header on the following Free Clinic pages is updated to display the UEI field: Free Clinic Folder, Create Application page, and Update Free Clinic Details page. Please note, if the UEI is not available then the DUNS will be listed. 

Free Clinic Folder

Screenshot of the Free Clinics home page showing the UEI field

Free Clinics - Create Application

Screenshot of the Free Clinics Create Application page showing the UEI field

Free Clinic Details Update

Screenshot of the Free Clinic Details Update page showing the UEI field

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