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Enhancements to the Uniform Data System were made available in the EHBs on 9/13/18. Additional enhancements have also been added to UDS on 11/11/2019 and 11/4/2022 and those updates are included below. Additional updates may be conducted in the future.

This instructional page was created using fake data, solely for the purpose of training and testing.

UDS Enhancements Overview

The 2018 Uniform Data System (UDS) Modernization release implemented an overhaul of the UDS Performance Report user interface (UI) and added the Offline Excel feature, the Offline Hyper Text Mark-up Language (HTML) feature, and the Preliminary Reporting Environment (PRE). The 2019 release added the Blank Excel template, Clear Data Feature, and additional information on the 'Upload History' page. 

Subsequent releases included the updates to the Offline Excel Tool Layout, a new Performance Report download option, updates to the 'Table Patients by ZIP Code' page, and helpful widgets on the 'Status Overview' page. 

1.The new UDS Performance Report Navigation includes changes to the color scheme, structure, and how UDS Performance Report edits function.

The Offline Excel Feature allows health centers to download an excel file of selected UDS Performance Report tables that can be uploaded directly to the Electronic Handbooks (EHBs). Users can select to download ‘Excel with Data’ or ‘Blank Excel’ depending on if they want a form including data currently in the system or to start from scratch. If selecting ‘Blank excel’ users have the option to include zip code data from the previous year. Data in the excel file is validated in an Error Summary Report after the file has been uploaded to EHBs. Once successfully uploaded, users will see a success message indicating which tables were uploaded. Users can use this feature to enter and save data on the file without an internet connection and divide up the data entry process.

  • The 'Upload History' page has several new columns: Table(s), showing which tables were uploaded; Error File, containing a hyperlink to easily open the error file associated with that upload; and Upload File Name, so users can view the original file name of the document they uploaded.

The Offline HTML Feature allows users to download an offline HTML version of the UDS Performance Report that has the same look and feel as the EHBs. Data entered into this Offline HTML can be saved and validated the same way it is done in the EHBs. This feature allows users to save and validate data without an internet connection or EHBs access and enables health centers to divide up data entry responsibilities.

4.The PRE provides health centers with access to their UDS Performance Reports before January 1st, allowing them to become familiar with annual updates to UDS reporting requirements before the official reporting period begins on January 1st.

The Clear Data Feature allows users to remove all information from either select tables or the entire report. This information is permanently deleted from the EHBs, so this feature should be used cautiously.

6.The Compare Versions feature allows users to compare data between two different versions of the report. 
7.You can now View Submitted Reports through the 'Submissions' page and view, download, or print the Performance Report including a new user friendly Excel format option. 

On this page

UDS Performance Report Navigation Modernization


The 'Status Overview' page has been updated significantly and now displays several new panels.


The top of the 'Status Overview' page shows the UDS Performance Report due date and the number of days left till the submission period ends.

Screenshot of the Status Overview page showing the due date and days left


Several functionalities and sections are located on the right side of the 'Status Overview' page:

  • The Forms Overview section indicates the number of tables in each status. There are three statuses: Not Started, In Progress, and Complete.

Screenshot of the Forms Overview Widget


The Offline Excel Tool widgets allow you to quickly download Excel files in different formats:

    • Download a Custom Template takes you to the 'Download File' page where you can select which tables you want to download, and you can select Excel or HTML format. 
    • Download a Blank Template allows you to download an Excel file with no data included. 
    • Download a Template with Data allows you to download an Excel file with data already entered in the EHBs.
    • Upload a File takes you to the 'Upload File' page where you can upload your Excel file. 

Screenshot of the Offline Excel tool widgets

5.The Compare Versions widget allows you to select years or versions of the performance report to compare and easily see what data has changed year over year. 

Screenshot of the Compare Versions Widget


The Report Details section specifies the report’s Bureau of Primary Health Care’s Health Center Management Information System Identification Number (BHCMIS ID) and the person that last submitted the report.

And the Submit and Print section includes buttons that allow you to print or submit the UDS Performance Report.

Screenshot of the Report Details Widget

Screenshot of the Submit and Print Widget


The 'Status Overview' page UDS Report Status section has changed in appearance:

  • Tables are listed along with associated funding stream forms.

  • Status icons have changed and the ‘Validated’ status has been removed.

  • A Last Updated column has been added.  This column provides time stamps for when tables were last updated.

  • The Options column has been removed.

Screenshot of the UDS Report Status section


At the table level, several enhancements have been made:

  • Table color scheme and appearance has changed.

  • You will have fewer clicks to make while entering data, as form completion is now automatically verified and the 'Mark as Complete' action is no longer necessary.

  • Field and cross-field validations appear under the relevant fields and operate immediately after data has been entered in a field. 

Screenshot of Table 3B validation screenshot


On the 'Table Patients by ZIP Code' page you can do the following:

    • Add Multiple ZIP Codes
    • Download Patients by ZIP Code via the Offline Excel Tool
    • Delete a single row
    • Import Prior Year ZIP Codes
    • Import Change in Scope ZIP Codes

Screenshot of the Table Patients by ZIP Code page


On all table pages, the 'Mark as Complete' action has been removed, as pages now automatically checks pages for completion, reducing the number of clicks.

Screenshot of Bottom of page screenshot

Offline Excel Feature


The Offline Excel Feature is a downloadable excel template of the UDS Performance Report forms where you can perform data entry without being connected to the internet and upload the completed Excel file to the EHBs.

To access the Offline Excel feature, click the Download File link in the left-hand menu from the ‘Status Overview’ page. This will open the ‘Download File’ page. Or, click Download a Custom Template from the widget in the Offline Excel Tool section. 

Screenshot of Download File side toolbar


On the ‘Download File’ page, scroll down to the Download Template section. Select the Offline Excel option and select Excel with Data or Blank Excel. Then check the tables and forms you would like to download. You can choose to download the tables individually, in groups, or all the tables. After you have made your selections, click the Download button. This will initiate the download of the offline excel.

The Excel with Data option includes information already entered on the table in the EHBs. The Blank Excel option downloads tables with no information included, even if there is information entered online. 

Screenshot of the Download Template page


If you select to download the Table Patients by ZIP Code, you have the option to include a list of prior year ZIP codes, making it easier to enter data if the ZIP codes are similar to those used the previous year. This is not an option available if you download the Offline HTML format. 

Screenshot of the Download Template page show the Table Patients by ZIP Code option


Open the downloaded file and save it to your computer. Each of the tables and associated funding streams are organized in Excel worksheets. Complete data entry on each of the worksheets. The Note at the top of each worksheet provides details of what kind of information should be entered. 

Screenshot of Excel file with note and multiple tables to view


From the UDS Report Resources section, open the Excel Mapping Document to help navigate the Excel file.

Screenshot of the Resources section showing the Excel Mapping Document option


The Excel Mapping Document lists the corresponding cell location for all the fields in the offline Excel file.

Screenshot of Excel Mapping Document screenshot

The Offline Excel document is intended to facilitate offline data entry and enable team collaboration for data entry work. Coworkers can share the document and be assigned worksheets to complete.


To upload the offline Excel file, from the ‘Status Overview’ page, click Upload File in the left-hand menu. Or, use the Upload File option from the Offline Excel Tool widget. 

Screenshot of Upload File option on side toolbar

Important Note

Do not change the format of the Offline Excel file while completing data entry. The Excel file must retain its format for it to be uploaded properly into the EHBs. Please do not add or delete any rows or cells or change the name of any of the worksheets.


On the ‘Upload File’ page, scroll down to the Upload File section. Click the Choose File button and select the Excel file that you just saved. Return to the ‘Upload File’ page and click the Process File button to upload the data in the Excel file and generate the Error Summary report.

Screenshot of the Upload File page

Important Note

Uploading the Excel file will overwrite any tables on the UDS Report included in the Excel file.

As tables are overwritten based on data entered into the Offline Excel file after it has been uploaded, a blank Excel template saved to your computer can be used to easily clear table data when uploaded.


Once the Excel file has been uploaded and processed, the EHBs system will assign it a file name that contains your UDS Report tracking number and the version number. The version number will allow you to track the most recently uploaded file.


A success message also displays when the system has finished uploading and processing the Excel file. This message includes a list of the table(s) that were uploaded. 

In the Error Summary section, the "Number of Edits Verified" and "Number of Edits Failed" values will display after the file is processed. The Error Summary Report can be downloaded by clicking the file link in the Download column. 

Screenshot of the Success message for processed file and Download file available


The Error Summary Report file shows the edit codes, error messages, and the tables and funding streams where the errors have occurred. Use this file to make corrections to the data.

Screenshot of Error Summary Report screenshot


Click the Action History link in the UDS Report Resources section to view the history of file uploads.

Screenshot of the Resources section showing the Action History option

13.The list of uploads will display along with other actions, including report submission.

Screenshot of the Action history page

Upload History


Click the Upload History link in the UDS Reports Resources section to access previously uploaded Offline Excel files.

Screenshot of the Resources section showing the Upload History option


The 'Upload History' page includes the following columns of information. 

    A. Document Name - Provides a hyperlink to quickly view the uploaded file.

    B. Table(s) - Lists all tables uploaded in the file.

    C. Error File - Provides a hyperlink to view the error file associated with the upload. With this new feature there will be record of the error file for each upload.

    D. Uploaded File Name - Shows the original source file name for the uploaded document. 

Screenshot of Upload History page

Offline HTML Feature


The Offline HTML Feature is a downloadable HTML application that has a similar UI to the EHBs, basic table functionalities, and field edits. You can perform data entry on this application, save data, and export data in an Excel file. You must have Google Chrome installed to use to the Offline HTML feature. Data can only be exported from the Offline HTML in an Excel file, which can be uploaded to the EHBs.

From the ‘Status Overview’ page, click the Download File link in the left-hand menu to access the Offline HTML feature. This will open the ‘Download File’ page. Or, click Download a Custom Template from the widget in the Offline Excel Tool section. 

Screenshot of Download File option on side toolbar


On the ‘Download File’ page, scroll down to the Download Template section. Select the Offline HTML option and check the tables and forms you would like to download. You can choose to download all the tables.  After you have made your selections, click the Download button. Please note that this will initiate the download of the Offline HTML ZIP file.

Screenshot of the Download Template for HTML


Extract the content of the ZIP file and choose a file location for the extracted content.

Important Note

You will need your UDS Report tracking number, which you can find on the 'Status Overview' page, to 'unzip; the Offline HTML File.


Before completing the extraction, you will be prompted to enter a password, which is your UDS Report tracking number.

Screenshot of HTML download password page


After extracting the ZIP file, open the UDS-Submission Chrome HTML Document.

Screenshot of Zip files to open for HTML download


The Offline HTML file retains the UI of the EHBs and will include all the tables that you had selected on the ‘Download File’ page. Because the HTML file looks very similar to the EHBs, the top of each page has an alert to easily identify if you are using the UDS Reporting Environment in the EHBs or using the Offline HTML application. 

Screenshot of Notification for using the UDS Reporting Environment

Screenshot of the Offline HTML notification


Data can be entered directly into this file and saved just as in the EHBs. Data entry checks occur as you enter your UDS Data.

Screenshot of an Offline HTML page showing error messages


You can import Offline Excel files into the Offline HTML file. This allows users to exchange data between the Offline Excel and Offline HTML functionalities.

From the ‘Status Overview’ page, click the Import File button in the left-hand menu. 

Screenshot of Import File button

Since Offline Excel files can be uploaded to the Offline HTML site, any colleagues that have been entering data in an Offline Excel file can upload them to the Offline HTML and validate the data in the Offline HTML.

You can also utilize the Offline HTML Feature to validate data entered in the Offline Excel File before uploading the file into the EHBs.


Choose the Excel file you would like to import and click the Import File button.

Screenshot of Import file page


Once data has been entered into the Offline HTML or imported from an Offline Excel file, the data can then be exported from the Offline HTML data as an Excel file.

From the ‘Status Overview’ page, open the ‘Export File’ page by clicking the Export File button on the left-hand menu. 

Screenshot of the Left Navigation menu for the Offline HTML feature showing Export File

Important Note

Export the Offline HTML data to upload it into the EHBs.


On the ‘Export File’ page, click the Export File button. This will export the data entered into Offline HTML file as an Excel file. This file can then be uploaded into the EHBs from the 'Upload File' page.

Screenshot of Export file page

Preliminary Reporting Environment (PRE)


The UDS Reporting environment is now available to health centers before January 1st. This early access is called the Preliminary Reporting Environment (PRE) and it allows health centers to become familiar with annual updates to UDS reporting requirements before the official reporting period begins on January 1st.

2.Health centers can enter their UDS data during the PRE-period but cannot submit their UDS Report until January 1st

During the PRE period, a message will appear on the top of the UDS Report indicating that you are now using the PRE and that UDS Reports cannot be submitted until January 1st.

Screenshot of the Preliminary Reporting Environment PRE notification message


After the PRE has ended on January 1st, you can submit your report. A message on the top of the screen will indicate this.

Screenshot of the Status Overview page with the message to indicate the UDS Reporting Environment and that the report can be submitted

Clear Data Feature


The Clear Data Feature allows users to delete all data from selected tables or the entire report. 

To access the Clear Data feature, click the Clear Data link in the left-hand menu from the ‘Status Overview’ page. This will open the ‘Clear Data’ page.

Screenshot of the Left navigation menu showing the Clear Data option


On the 'Clear Data' page select the table(s) from which you want to delete information. Once you have selected the table(s) you want to clear, click the Clear Data button. 

Be sure to read the caution note in the Instructions section, as using this function permanently deletes information from the table. 

Screenshot of the Clear Data page showing table selections and Clear Data button

3.Before permanently deleting the data, you will see a Confirmation message listing the table(s) you selected. If you are ready to delete the data from the table(s) listed, click the Confirm button. If you do not want to delete the data at that time, click Cancel and no changes will be made to the table(s). 

Screenshot of Clear Data warning message

Compare Versions

1.Access the Compare Versions feature from the Resources section or Widget on the right side of the 'Status Overview' page. 

Screenshot of the Resources section showing the Compare Versions option


Screenshot of the Compare Versions Widget


If you select Compare Versions from the Resources menu you will land on the 'Select Version' page. Select the Reference Year/Version and the Compare To Year/Version, then click Next. 

Note: If you use the Compare Versions widget on the 'Status Overview' page you will skip this page. 

Screenshot of the Compare Versions Select Versions page

3.Once on the 'Select Table' page, select which tables you want to compare between the two versions, then click Compare. 

Screenshot of the Compare Versions Select Table page showing Compare button

4.The 'Result Page' lists all tables you selected. The page lists the data for each version, and you can easily see which fields have differences by looking for the blue circle next to the field data.

Screenshot of the Compare Version Result Page

View Submitted Reports


After submitting the performance report, you can view the data from the 'Submissions - All' page by clicking Performance Report in the Options column. 

Screenshot of the Submissions All page showing the Performance Reports option


On the 'Review and Report List' page from the Action column you can Download or View the data in different formats, including Excel, for the whole report or just for each table. 

You can also select to Print All Forms. 

To view the 'Submit Confirmation' page with the tracking number, select Continue to Next Page

Screenshot of the Review and Report List page

3.On the 'Submit Confirmation' page you can view the details about the submitted report, including the tracking number. 

Screenshot of the Submit Confirmation page

De-Identified Patient-Level Reporting


High-quality accessible data are critical to strategically meeting the needs of patients and identifying opportunities for clinical process improvement. The growth in health information technology, coupled with the increased adoption of EHRs, has transformed patient care delivery and underscored the need for secure and rapid exchange of health data between disparate systems.

Health Level Seven International (HL7®) developed Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) version release 4 (R4) to standardize the electronic exchange of patient data across systems. FHIR R4 has the flexibility to support a variety of use cases and enhances interoperability by transmitting health data rapidly and more securely than ever before. It is important for the collection of UDS data to align with interoperability standards and reporting requirements across HHS and the health care industry. Leveraging FHIR R4 to collect UDS de-identified patient-level data will improve data granularity, allow for the development of robust patient management programs, and improve equitable access to high-quality, cost-effective primary care services. The transition to de-identified patient-level data reporting using FHIR R4 interoperability standards is part of the natural evolution of HIT.

In addition to aggregate UDS reporting within EHBs, health centers may voluntarily submit de-identified patient-level reporting (UDS+) using FHIR R4. The aggregate report submitted in EHBs will be the submission of record for calendar year 2023 UDS reporting.

Scope of UDS+

All health centers are to submit a full UDS Report within EHBs by February 15, 2024.

Beginning with the 2023 UDS reporting, in addition to an aggregate UDS Report submission within EHBs, health centers may voluntarily submit de-identified patient-level data (UDS+) submitted using HL7 FHIR R4 standards for UDS, for the data elements on the following tables:

  • Patients by ZIP Code Table
  • Table 3A: Patients by Age and by Sex Assigned at Birth
  • Table 3B: Demographic Characteristics
  • Table 4: Selected Patient Characteristics
  • Table 6A: Selected Diagnoses and Services Rendered
  • Table 6B: Quality of Care Measures
  • Table 7: Health Outcomes and Disparities

Health centers choosing to participate in this voluntary reporting will submit through (bulk) FHIR R4 APIs, using the UDS+ FHIR R4 Implementation Guide (IG) as described in Appendix G. To learn more about UDS+, please refer to the Health Center Program Community website.

Reporting UDS+ Data

The UDS+ will utilize FHIR R4 to increase the utility of UDS Report data and to reduce the annual reporting burden by aligning with interoperability standards and reporting requirements used across the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and within the health care industry. The UDS+ FHIR R4 Implementation Guide (IG) defines the set of rules by which health centers can report UDS+ de-identified patient data to HRSA through FHIR R4 APIs. The UDS+ FHIR R4 IG provides well-defined capability statements, FHIR R4 operations, FHIR R4 profiles, FHIR R4 extensions, and terminology needed to successfully implement UDS+.

The UDS+ FHIR R4 IG will align HRSA reporting requirements with the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) regulations to the extent possible.

Note: Data submitted through UDS+ will NOT include protected health information (PHI) or identifiable patient data for successful submission.

Help Resources

For Help and Support To access additional EHBs-related resources and training materials, once logged into EHBs, please click the Support (EHBs Help) icon located in the toolbar at the lower right of the screen. System navigation, UDS reporting acronyms, quick reference sheets for accessing reports, submission and review process, and other useful training materials and resources can be accessed here.

UDS reporting questions:

UDS Help Desk or 866-837-4357 (866-UDS-HELP) Monday through Friday (except federal holidays) 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM (ET)

Health Center Program or EHBs questions:

BPHC Contact Form or 877-464-4772 Monday through Friday (except federal holidays) 7AM to 8PM (ET)

For additional guidance on viewing UDS standard reports, go to the BPHC Contact Form and select Uniform Data System (UDS), UDS Reporting, Accessing UDS Reports in EHBs.

For technical issues with the HRSA Electronic Handbooks, go to the BPHC Contact Form select EHBs Tasks/EHBs Technical Issues.