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HRSA recipients must comply with Code of Federal Regulations.  Sections that directly impact the Non-Competing Continuation (NCC) Report regarding the Key Contact/Principal Form are:  CFR 45.213 Suspension and Debarment, Executive Orders 12549 and 12689.

The 2 CFR 180.995 definition of a Principal:

  1. An officer, director, owner, partner, principal investigator, or other person within a participant with management or supervisory responsibilities related to a covered transaction (the Grant);
  2. A consultant or other person, whether or not employed by the participant or paid with federal funds, who:
    • Is in a position to handle federal funds;
    • Is in a position to influence or control the use of those funds; or,
    • Occupies a technical or professional position capable of substantially influencing the development or outcome of an activity required to perform the covered transaction.

2 CFR 376.995 Principal (HHS supplement to government-wide definition at 2 CFR 180.995).

Principal means individuals, in addition to those listed at 2 CFR 180.995, who participate in HHS covered transactions including:

(a) Providers of federally required audit services; and

(b) Researchers.

HRSA uses the NCC Progress Report to assess progress, as well as any significant change(s) encountered during your project. Continuation of funding is based on compliance with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, including the timely submission of the NCC Progress Report through the EHB, demonstrated organizational capacity to accomplish the project’s goals, satisfactory progress, availability of Congressional appropriations, and a determination that continued funding would be in the best interest of the Government.

Beginning 8/24/2023, HRSA deployed the Key Contact/Principal Form to be included in NCC Progress Report submissions.  All principals (as defined above) involved in the project must be listed on the form. The Principal Investigator/Project Director must always be listed on the Key Contact/Principal form.  Recipients are reminded to complete Suspension and Debarment reviews by reviewing for any personnel identified as Key Contacts/Principals prior to completing and submitting the Form in the NCC Progress Report.  Please provide as much information on the Key Contact/Principal Form as possible. 

This user guide describes the steps to follow to navigate and execute actions within the Key Contact/Principal Form.

Additional Resources:

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Key Contact/ Principal Form

Accessing the Key Contact/Principal Form

Login to the EHBs ( as Applicant/Grantee using your HRSA EHBs username and password.

Screenshot of Login Screen

Click on the Tasks tab from the top navigation bar in the EHBs. 

Screenshot of top navigation bar

You land on the “Pending Tasks - list” page, where you see your:

A. Noncompeting Continuations Task.

B. Under the Options column on the far right of the screen, click on Edit.

Screenshot of Pending Tasks list page

You land on the "NCC Progress Report - Status Overview" page. From here there are two ways to get to the "Key Contact/Principal" main-landing page.

A. On the left tasks menu, click Key Contact/Principal.

B. On the right side of the screen under Options, click Update. 

Screenshot of NCC Progress Report status overview page

You land on the "Key Contact/Principal" main-landing page. 

On this page, you have the ability to:

A. Add a new Key Contact/Principal.

B. Select the Update dropdown menu to Update or Delete Key Contact/Principal Information.

C. Attach a file to the Biographical Sketch section.

D. Save or Save and Continue actions to complete the Key Contact/Principal process.  

Screenshot of Key Contact principal landing page

Add Key Contact/Principal

After selecting the Add Button on the Key Contact/Principal main landing page, you land on the "Key Contact/Principal - Add" page. 

From here you have the ability to select one Contact at a time to add to the NCC Report.

A. Make your selection by clicking the circle on the left hand side of the screen.

B. Click Add Selected Person at the bottom right of the screen to continue back to the Key Contact/Principal page.

C. To create a new Key Contact Principal, click Add New Key Contact/Principal.

Note:  You can only add one Key Contact/Principal at a time. To add additional contacts, repeat steps A/B or C. 

Screenshot of Key contact principal add page

Add New Key Contact/Principal

After selecting Add New Key Contact/Principal you land on the "Key Contact/Principal - Add" screen where you have the ability to Create a new Key Contact/Principal.

As you enter data, complete required fields, as indicated by the Asterisks.

Once you complete all of the required information, click the Save and Continue button at the bottom right of the screen.

Screenshot of Key contact principal add save and continue button

Once you Click Save and Continue, you land on the "Confirmation" screen, 

Screenshot of Key contact principal add confirmation screen

After you review your information, select Confirm at the bottom right of the screen to confirm and return to the main landing page where a success message is displayed. 

Screenshot of Key contact added success message

Update Key Contact/ Principal

To Update a new Key Contact Principal, click Update from the Update dropdown menu in the Options column on the right side of the screen of the Contact/Principal you wish to update. 

You land on the "Key Contact/Principal - Update" screen where you have the ability to update the selected Key Contact/Principal.

As you enter data, complete required fields, as indicated by the Asterisks.

Once you complete all of the required information, click the Save and Continue button at the bottom right of the screen.

Screenshot of key contact principal update save and continue

Once you Click Save and Continue, you land on the "Confirmation" screen.

After you review your information, select Confirm at the bottom right of the screen to confirm and return to the main landing page. 

Screenshot of key contact principal update confirm

After selecting Confirm, you land back on the main Key Contact/Principal land page where a success banner is displayed. 

key contact principal update success message

Delete Key Contact/ Principal

To Delete a new Key Contact Principal, click Delete from the Update dropdown menu in the Options column on the right side of the screen of the Contact/Principal you wish to delete. 

Screenshot of Delete Dropdown Selection

After Selecting Delete, you land on the "Key Contact/Principal Delete Confirm" page.

From here, you see the Contact you chose to delete.

After you review that is the correct selection, click Confirm at the bottom right of the page.

After selecting Add Selected Person, you land back on the main Key Contact/Principal land page where a success banner is displayed. 

Screenshot of Delete success message

Biographical Sketch

At the bottom of the Key Contact/Principal page, you see the Biographical Sketch section. This section is used to upload supporting files documenting key personnel qualifications and experiences for a specific role in a project. 

Note: Biographical sketches are not required for principals. This section is not required to save the Key Contact/Principal page.

In this Biographical Sketch section, you have the options to:

A. Select Attach File to expand the Biographical Sketch section.

B. Choose the file from your computer which you want to attach.

C. Upload your file.

Screenshot of Biographical sketch section

Upon uploading your file,

A. Your screen refreshes automatically and you see the file listed under the Document Name column on the left side of the screen. 

B. You now also have the option to select an action to either Update Description or Delete the file on the right side of the screen if you choose to do so.

Screenshot of Biographical Sketch selection options

Save the Key Contact/Principal

Once you have completed any action desired from the "Key Contact/Principal" main landing page, you can save your work. 

You have the option to either Save or Save and Continue at the bottom right of the screen.

Screenshot of  Save and continue key contact principal

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