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Scope Verification User Guide

The Scope Verification User Guide is available here Scope Verification User Guide for Health Centers

Service Verification User Guide for New Starts

The Service Verification User Guide for New Starts is available here:

What is Scope Verification?

Scope verification is a “condition” that appears on your Notice of Award (NoA) related to the approved change within your application.  This approval is not yet effective in your health center’s approved scope of project.

You are expected to implement approved change(s) (e.g., open the approved site or begin providing the new service, etc.) within 120 days of receiving the NoA or HRSA notification approving the change. Health centers must verify the change has been implemented, consistent with the application, by completing an electronic verification deliverable within EHB.

When do I need to do a Scope Verification?

When a NoA has been issued to the grantee, and it provides a scope verification "Condition", a grant deliverable is created for the health center to act upon. This deliverable can be found in the "Other Submissions" page of the submission module. The submission will have an expiration date of 120 calendar days from the NoA issue date. The health center can start working on it by clicking "Start Submission Link" on the deliverable.  The health center may verify the change as implemented any time before the due date.

May I request an Extension?

You may request an extension.  The number of days for an extension request may not exceed a total of 90 days.

Exception:  New Access Point (NAP) sites must be verified within 120 days of award.  If the site is not implemented, a progressive action condition will be initiated.  Extension requests beyond this time frame are not permitted for NAP site verifications.

How do I request an Extension?

An extension may be requested by entering an estimated date for completion. If it is after the expiration date, the system will calculate the number of days of extension and provide an option to submit the extension to HRSA.

What if I am unable to verify by the deadline?

If the scope verification is not completed by the deadline, the proposed action will not be considered implemented or part of the approved scope of project. For example: A site would not be added to the scope of project, if it is not verified.

What happens upon successful verification, and when is my scope of project updated?

When the verification is required because of a "Condition" on the NoA, a request goes to BPHC, and the changes are applied to the scope of project only when this request is acknowledged by BPHC.  A new NoA is issued, noting the implemented action.

What if I am not able to implement the proposed action?

You need to submit the verification request indicating you are not implementing the proposed action. BPHC will take the appropriate action of rolling back your proposed change.

May I use the same verification deliverable to verify an alternate location?

No. You must submit a new CIS application and if it is approved by HRSA, a new alternate location must be verified through a new 120 Day Verification deliverable within EHB.

May I provide alternate location information if I am not implementing at the current location?

Yes, if an alternate location will be generating patient encounters instead of the proposed site, you should provide the alternate location information (e.g., proposed new physical address). However, this information is only for tracking purposes. Please note, you must submit a new CIS application (e.g., Add Site), for HRSA review.

What is the "List of Pre-registered Performance Sites "?

These are the sites that are registered in the Enterprise Site Repository (ESR), regardless of whether or not they are in your scope of project.

Where can I see the site name for which the verification is being done?

The site name or service name and other details are displayed in the 'Proposed Action' details block.

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