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This page was updated on December 16, 2022 and May 26, 2023.

General Information

The mission of the Maternal Child Health Bureau (MCHB) of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is to provide national leadership and to work in partnership with states, communities, public-private partners, and families to strengthen the maternal and child health (MCH) infrastructure, to assure the availability and use of medical homes, and build knowledge and human resources to assure continued improvement in the health, safety, and well-being of the MCH population.

The Bureau currently administers a web-based electronic information system for Healthy Start grant recipients – the Healthy Start Monitoring and Evaluation Data (HSMED) System. HSMED supports 101 Healthy Start grantee organizations across the United States. The Healthy Start Monitoring and Evaluation Data System (HSMED) Reports Dashboard aggregates data from the HSMED and resides within HRSA’s Electronic Handbooks (EHBs).

The purpose of the Healthy Start Monitoring and Evaluation Data System (HSMED) Reports Dashboard is to assist grantees in monitoring the number of participants they serve, progress toward program performance measures, the completeness of data collection with each participant, and the linkages between primary participants and children enrolled in Healthy Start.

The Healthy Start Monitoring and Evaluation Data System (HSMED) Reports Dashboard information is distributed across the following dashboards:

  • Performance Measures (PM)
  • Performance Measures (PM) Detail
  • Participants Served
  • Data Collection Detail
  • Participant Linkages

The dashboards include near real-time data (with a 24-hour delay). Data in the dashboard is intended for grantee use only. If you have questions regarding the dashboards, please contact

 Note: The Recipient filter on these dashboards provides the option to filter for “All”. For dashboard users associated to just one grantee organization in EHBs, selecting “All” will display the dashboards for the same organization they’re associated to. For dashboard users associated to multiple organizations (such as Healthy Start system vendors), selecting “All” will display the aggregated counts and data for all the organizations that the grantee is associated to. Please note, the intent of these dashboards is to view data for individual recipients, and not the aggregated totals for multiple organizations. Permission to view a grantee’s dashboard data is granted by the grantee’s Project Director as identified in the latest Notice of Award.

Dashboard Key Features

The key features for these dashboards are:

  1. Aggregated participant counts and demographic information
  2. Performance Measures/Benchmarks calculations
  3. Tools for monitoring participant data collection and reporting
  4. Reports are generated using near-real time data with a one-day lag

On this page

Performance Measures (PM) Overview

The Healthy Start program has established benchmarks and goals for performance.

The purpose of the Performance Measures dashboard is to present an overview of grantee’s 16 Performance Measures, and the Healthy Start benchmarks for each, to inform data quality assurance and overall program improvement efforts. Summary cards with details on how each Performance Measure is calculated and the counts are also provided.

All performance measure calculations include only “active” participants in the reporting year.

In the case of women participants, a participant is considered as active based on the Primary Participant Enrollment Date in the reporting year (calendar year) Or Other Update Date in the reporting year (calendar year) on any form.

In the case of child participants, a participant is considered as active based on the Child Enrollment Date in the reporting year (calendar year) Or Other Update Date in the reporting year (calendar year) in the parent child form.

The dashboard includes Recipient filter and multi-select filters for Reporting Year and Reporting Month served.

Screen shot of Performance Measures Dashboard

Performance Measures (PM) Summary Cards

Dashboard summary cards indicate the numerator, denominator, and percentage calculations for each Performance Measure.

The summary card information is dependent on the selected Performance Measure filter. They will identify the values used to determine Performance Measure numerator value, a denominator value, and percentage value. 

On the Performance Measures Dashboard, we consider all the women participants in the denominator whereas the Participants Served Dashboards only includes women where the pregnancy start/end dates can be determined. If the key dates used in the calculation are missing, the participant is excluded from the calculation.

The drop-down menu in the ‘Performance Measure’ filter can be used to select individual Performance Measures and see the counts for each measure in the summary cards. Click on the summary card to create a tooltip link to the Performance Measures Detail dashboard, which provides participant responses for the selected measure.

Screen shot of Performance Measure Summary Cards

Screen shot of Dashboard Summary Cards with View Participant Responses highlighted

In this case the summary cards identify the number of women with health insurance (numerator), the number of women overall in the program (denominator), and the resulting percentage of those values.

Note: The Summary cards will display blank or '-' (i.e., no information) to indicate that no participants met the inclusion criteria for that given Performance Measure, and ‘0’ when the metric calculation returns zero to the corresponding filter(s) applied.

Performance Measures (PM) Table

Performance Measures Table:

This table provides an overview of all the Performance Measure percentage values for the selected recipient and dates, and the Healthy Start desired benchmarks for each Performance Measure.

‘N/A’ represents the related question does not have a response that clearly fits the don’t know/declined context.

The table also provides the percentage values of the participant responses that are ‘Don’t know’, ‘Declined’, and ‘Missing’. These columns help to identify areas where data collection or entry issues may affect the overall outcome of a performance measure.

Data can be downloaded by clicking on each performance measure in the table.

Screen shot of Performance Measures PM Table

Performance Measures (PM) Detail Overview

This dashboard is an extension of the Performance Measures Dashboard and should be used in conjunction with the summary cards in the Performance Measures Dashboard.

The dashboard includes Recipient filter and multi-select filters for Reporting Year and Reporting Month served.

The drop-down menu in the ‘Performance Measure’ filter can be used to select individual Performance Measures and see the breakdown of participant responses for the selected Performance Measure.

The Performance Measure detail dashboard columns change based on the selected Performance Measure.

The table below will display blank (i.e., no information) if there is no data applicable to the corresponding filter(s) applied. 

Performance Measures (PM) Detail Table

Performance Measures (PM) Detail Dashboard Table: This table shows the response breakdown for each participant included in the calculation for the selected Performance Measure. 

Screen shot of Performance Measures PM Detail Table

Participants Served Overview

The Participants Served dashboard provides aggregated counts of participants and a breakdown by Race, Ethnicity, and by Participant Type. All aggregated counts are unduplicated, meaning a participant is only counted once.

The dashboard represents the data in the below categories:

  • Newly Enrolled Participants
  • Unduplicated Participants Served to Date
  • Participants Served by Race
  • Participants Served by Ethnicity

The purpose of this dashboard and visualizations is to indicate the number of new participants served during a reporting month, and the total number of unduplicated participants served to date.

The dashboard includes filters for Reporting Month and Reporting Year served. The data will only be displayed from 2020 to the current year. 

The calculation of participants enrolled is based on Background Form Enrollment Dates.

Background Form questions G1, G6, and Parent/Child Form question G10 shall be used to differentiate participants into their respective populations (Pregnant Women, Infants, Children, Non-pregnant women, Men).

New participants served in the reporting month will only be considered pregnant if “Currently Pregnant” is checked for Background Form question G6. If “Currently Pregnant” and any other answers are checked in Background Form G6, they are still to be considered pregnant.

For total participants, if a woman is pregnant in a Calendar Year, she will be considered pregnant for the remainder of the year. If a participant has “Currently Pregnant” and any other answers checked for Background Form question G6, she will be considered pregnant. However, if she does not have “Currently Pregnant” checked, the Background Form question G8 will be checked to see if she has entered the prenatal phase within the Calendar Year. If yes, she will be considered pregnant.

Pregnancy Status is calculated based on prenatal form completion date, post-pregnancy follow-up date, due date columns, and the status is calculated based as follows -

  • Prenatal form completion date is used to calculate the pregnancy start date.
  • Post-pregnancy follow-up date is used to calculate the pregnancy end date. If there is no post-pregnancy follow up date entered in the system, due date (Q1) + 2 weeks is used to calculate the pregnancy end date.
  • Participants’ data is excluded in the dashboard if the prenatal form completion date, post-pregnancy follow-up date, due date data is not available in the system.
  • When the prenatal form completion date is not entered in the system, a woman is considered as pregnant in the month of the post-pregnancy follow up date or due date.
  • When the post-pregnancy follow-up date or due date data is not entered in the system, a woman is considered as pregnant in the month and year of prenatal form completion date.
  • When the prenatal form completion date occurs after post-pregnancy follow-up date or due date, a woman is considered as pregnant in the month and year of post-pregnancy follow-up date or due date.

The aggregate measures are based on the Aggregate Data User Guide and Data Dictionary. Number of New Participants is based off Enrollment Date, while Number of Unduplicated Participants Served accounts for any and all screening/re-screenings in the selected reporting using the HS Data Collection Forms.

The summary cards and tables below will display blank (i.e., no information) if there is no data applicable, 0 when the metric calculation returns zero to the corresponding filter(s) applied.

Screenshot of the Participants Served Dashboard

Newly Enrolled Participants Summary Cards

Dashboard summary cards indicate the number of newly enrolled participants served during a reporting month, broken out into 6 populations:

  • Men
  • Pregnant Women
  • Non-Pregnant Women
  • Infants 0-12 months old
  • Children 13-17 months old
  • Total

Screenshot of the Number of Participants Served Card

Summary cards are organized by participant type and show Men, Pregnant Women, Non-Pregnant Women, Infants 0-12 months, Children 13-17 months, and the total. 

Unduplicated Participants Summary Cards

Dashboard summary cards indicate the total number of unduplicated participants served to date, broken out into 6 populations:

  • Men
  • Pregnant Women
  • Non-Pregnant Women
  • Infants 0-12 months old
  • Children 13-17 months old
  • Total

Summary cards are organized by participant type and display Men, Pregnant Women, Non-Pregnant Women, Infants 0-12 months, Children 13-17 months, and the Total. 

Screenshot of the Number of Unduplicated Participants Served Card

Participants Served Tables

Participants Served by Race: This table demonstrates the number of participants served by race, organized by participant type.

Screenshot of the Number of Participants Served by Race Table

Participants Served by Ethnicity: This table demonstrates the number of participants served by ethnicity, organized by participant type.

Screenshot of the Number of Participants Served by Ethnicity Table

Data Collection Detail Overview

The Data Collection Detail dashboard provides information on the completeness of a grantee’s data, implementation of data collection, and metrics related to a participant’s status in the program. The purpose of this dashboard is to provide grantees with the ability to view individual participant records and see how many initial forms and form updates are completed, as well as seeing the participant’s status based on their form completion and updates.

Each row represents an initial form or an updated form.

The dashboard has filters for the Month and Year of Enrollment Date.

The Participant Status “Lost to follow-up” is calculated using participants who do not have Exit Dates and do not have initial forms or form updates completed for a reporting year. Participants are determined to be “active” if they have an updated form or an initial form completed within a reporting year and do not have an Exit Date, or if they have an Enrollment Date in the reporting year and have no other updated forms or initial forms completed and no Exit Date. Participants are determined to be “exited” if they have an Exit Date. Participants are determined to be “re-enrolled” if they have indicated re-enrollment through Background Form question G8.

Some participants have no values in certain columns because they have not recorded an answer for the respective question(s) within the Data Collection Form. 'Archived' in the participant status column indicates that the record is archived because a form update occurred containing more recent data for the participant. ‘N/A’ indicates that the Participant Status cannot be defined as there have been no dates entered for the participant.

The tables will display blank (i.e., no information) if there is no data applicable to the corresponding filter(s) applied.

Screenshot of the Data Collection Detail Dashboard

Data Collection Detail Tables

Background Form Table: This table shows each participant and when they initially completed the form, when they completed form updates and the reason for the updates. The table also indicates whether each initial form completion or update is the latest Background information available for the participant or not. Finally, the table calculates the status of the participant within the Healthy Start program based on the most recent information as determined by date.

Screenshot of the Background Form Table

Prenatal Form Table: This table shows each participant and when they initially completed the form, when they completed form updates and the reason for the updates. The table also indicates whether each initial form completion or update is the latest Prenatal information available for the participant or not. Finally, the table calculates the status of the participant within the Healthy Start program based on the most recent information as determined by date.

Screenshot of the Prenatal Form Table

Parent/Child Form Table: This table shows each participant and enrolled child and when they initially completed the form, when they completed form updates and the reason for the updates. The table also indicates whether each initial form completion or update is the latest Parent/Child information available for the participant/child or not. Finally, the table calculates the status of the participant within the Healthy Start program based on the most recent information as determined by date.

Screenshot of the Parent Child Form Table

Participant Linkages Overview

The Participant Linkages dashboard displays the linkages between primary participants, and between primary participants and any enrolled children. Users can filter by category to view participants with no linkages, participants with linkages to other participants, participants with linkages to children only, and participants with linkages to both.

The purpose of this dashboard is to provide grantees the ability to view all PPUID and ECUID linkages, from parent to parent and parent to child, allowing grantees to identify all linkages and verify their accuracy.

The Enrolled Child ID indicates linkage to the Primary Participant ID only, not to the Linked Primary Participant ID. If a Linked Primary Participant ID is blank, this indicates that the Primary Participant ID does not have any linkages to other participants. If an Enrolled Child ID is blank, this indicates that the Primary Participant ID does not have any linkages to children.

The table below will display blank (i.e., no information) if there is no data applicable to the corresponding filter(s) applied.

The table will show all PPUIDs that are linked to each other as well as all ECUIDs that they are linked to.

Screenshot of the Participant Linkages Dashboard

Participant Linkages Table

This table shows the participants, linked participants, and the enrolled children – all identified by PPUID and ECUID. This table also shows the Participant Types for the primary and linked participants.

Screenshot of Participant Linkages Table

Accessing the Dashboard in the EHBs


Login to the EHBs ( as a Grantee using and two-factor authentication.

For information about logging into the EHBs and, refer to the EHBs Login Process help page.

You will land on the EHBs Home page.

Screenshot of EHBs home page

2Click Dashboards on the Top Menu. You will land on the Dashboards list page, listing all the available dashboards for your role. Select Healthy Start Monitoring and Evaluation Data System (HSMED) Reports Dashboard from the list -side menu.

Screenshot of the HSMED Report Dashboard Option

3Click on the View Dashboard link.

Screenshot of the HSMED Report Dashboard View Dashboard Option

Downloading as Data, Crosstab, and PDF

1.Download as “Data” format – Data Collection Detail Tab.
By default, the “Data” and “Crosstab” options will not be activated.

Screenshot of the Dashboard Download Options
2.To download the tabular format, click on the table graph on the dashboard. In this example, Form Update Date was selected. The “Data” and” Crosstab” options are now activated.

Screenshot of Background Form with cell selected

Screenshot of Download options


Similarly, if “Data” from the download options is selected, the data view is displayed and can be downloaded as a text file.

Screenshot of the View Data page showing Excel option


The downloaded excel file will show data as:

Screenshot of Report Excel file


Download “Crosstab” – Data Collection Detail Tab.

If a cell is selected as in step #2, and then unselected, the highlighted color will disappear. Click on the download link and the options show as:

Screenshot of the Download Crosstab option

6.Click on “Crosstab” and the data will be downloaded as an Excel file and shown as:


Downloading a Dashboard as a PDFData Collection Detail Tab.

To download a dashboard as a PDF, click on the download link and select “PDF” as shown.

Screenshot of Download PDF optionScreenshot of the Crosstab Excel file


After clicking "PDF" the download PDF window will be displayed. Select "This View" and click on "Create PDF."

Screenshot of the Create PDF window

9.A PDF will be generated and downloaded.

Screenshot of Data Collection Detail Downloaded PDF