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General Information

The BHW Grantee Balanced Scorecard dashboard provides Grantees with a snapshot of different performance metrics for a selected Grant Number. Performance of the Grantee can be compared with Bureau-wide and Program specific set targets. Section(s) can show up blank when there is no data for the selected filter values. Program Set Targets will show '0’ when there is no target value.

By default, the filter 'Select Grant Number and Grantee Name' shows (None). The filter drop-down has all the applicable Grant Numbers, and the Grantee can select from the drop-down list to view the data.
titleOn this page

Table of Contents

BHW Grantee Balanced Scorecard Dashboard

BHW Grantee Balanced Scorecard Dashboard presents the snapshot of different performance metrics. Filters for ‘Academic Year’ (single-select) and ‘Grant Number and Grantee Name’ (single-select) allow the user to refine data on the page. This page has four sections displayed in three different visualizations as listed below:

  • Trainees Information (Number)
  • Trainees Information (percentage)
  • Graduates Information
  • Training Sites

Grantee Scorecard - Trainees Information (Number) Charts


Chart 1: # of Total Trainees


The # of Total Trainees chart provides information about Total Trainees for the selected Academic Year and Grantee. It also shows the performance of All Program Grantees compared with the Program Set Target (if applicable). 

Screenshot of the Number of Total Trainees Chart


Chart 2: # of URM Trainees


The # of URM Trainees chart provides information about URM Trainees for the selected Academic Year and Grantee. It also shows the performance of All Program Grantees compared with the Program Set Target (if applicable).

Screenshot of the Number of URM Trainees Chart


Chart 3: # of Disadvantaged Trainees


The # of Disadvantaged Trainees chart provides information about Disadvantaged Trainees for the selected Academic Year and Grantee. It also shows the performance of All Program Grantees compared with the Program Set Target (if applicable).

Screenshot of Number of Disadvantaged Trainees Chart


Chart 4: # of Rural Trainees


The # of Rural Trainees chart provides information about Rural Trainees for the selected Academic Year and Grantee. It also shows the performance of All Program Grantees.

Screenshot of Number of Rural Trainees Chart

Grantee Scorecard - Trainees Information (Percentage) Charts


Chart 1: % of Trainees receiving training in MUCs

The % of Trainees receiving training in MUCs chart provides information about Trainees receiving training in MUCs for the selected Grantee compared with the performance of All Program Grantees and BHW Bureau-Wide Targets.

Screenshot of Percentage of Trainees Receiving Training in MUCs


Chart 2: % of Trainees receiving training in Primary Care Setting

The % of Trainees receiving training in Primary Care Setting chart provides information about Trainees receiving training in Primary Care Setting for the selected Grantee compared with the performance of All Program Grantees and BHW Bureau-Wide Targets.

Screenshot of the Percentage of Trainees Receiving Training in Primary Care Settings chart


Chart 3: % of Trainees receiving training in Rural Settings

The % of Trainees receiving training in Rural Settings chart provides information about Trainees receiving training in Rural Settings for the selected Grantee compared with the performance of All Program Grantees and BHW Bureau-Wide Targets.

Screenshot of the Percentage of Trainees Receiving Training in Rural Setting chart

Grantee Scorecard - Graduates Information Charts


Chart 1: Graduates Information from INDGEN (Percentage)


The Graduates Information from INDGEN (Percentage) chart provides information about Graduates from INDGEN compared with BHW Bureau-Wide Targets. When there are two vertical reference lines, it represents the range of the BHW Bureau-Wide target.

Screenshot of the Chart 1 Graduates Information from INDGEN Percentage


Chart 2: Graduates Information from INDGEN-PY (Percentage)


The Graduates Information from INDGEN-PY (Percentage) chart provides information about Graduates from INDGEN-PY compared with BHW Bureau-Wide Targets. When there are two vertical reference lines, it represents the range of the BHW Bureau-Wide target.

Screenshot of the Graduates Information from INDGEN-PY Percentage chart

Grantee Scorecard - Training Sites Charts


Chart 1: EXP Training Sites Information (Percentage)


The EXP Training Sites Information (Percentage) chart provides information about the training sites from EXP compared with BHW Bureau-Wide Targets.

Screenshot of the EXP Training Sites Information Percentage chartImage RemovedScreenshot of Chart 1 EXP Training Site Information PercentageImage Added

Accessing Dashboards in the EHBs


Login to the EHBs ( using and two-factor authentication. For details about logging in to the EHBs, refer to the EHBs Login Process Overview help page. 

After logging in, you will land on the EHBs Home page, click on Dashboards on the Top Menu.

Screenshot of the EHBs homepage showing the Dashboard tab

2You will land on the Dashboards page, listing all the available dashboards for your role.

Screenshot of the Dashboards page


Once on the Dashboards List page, you can view more information about the dashboard, including Purpose and Key Features. Click on the View Dashboard link for the BHW Grantee Balanced Scorecard dashboard.

Important note: If you do not see the BHW Grantee Balanced Scorecard Dashboard in the list, please contact

Screenshot of the EHBs Dashboards page showing the View Dashboard button

4You will land on the BHW Grantee Balanced Scorecard dashboard.

Screenshot of the BHW Grantee Balanced Scorecard DashboardImage RemovedScreenshot of the BHW Grantee Balanced Scorecard Dashboard homepageImage Added

Downloading as Data, Crosstab, and PDF


Click on the Download button in the upper right corner of the dashboard.

Screenshot of the Download option on the top right side of the dashboard pages


Download as “Data” format.

By default, the “Data” and “Crosstab” options will not be activated. But you can also choose other options, like image, PDF and PowerPoint.

Screenshot of the Dashboard Download options


To download the tabular format, click on any components of visuals on the dashboard that you are interested in viewing details. In the image, # of Total Trainees was selected. The “Data” and” Crosstab” options are now activated.

The “Data” download will provide an option to download the data for the selected data point from the summary tab. Whereas the crosstab will download all the data points from the selected visualization. 

Screenshot of Number of Total Trainees chart to download Data


Select "Data" from the download options, then the data view is displayed in a separate window. It can be downloaded as a text file by clicking on the "Download all rows as a text file"

The summary tab will contain the data for the selected data point in the visualization for the selected filters.

Screenshot of the View Data page showing option to Download as text file


You can then see the Excel file. 

Screenshot of the Downloaded Excel file


Download as “Crosstab” Format

Click on any components of visuals on the dashboard that you are interested in viewing details. Here the component selected previously will remain selected for demonstration purpose. Click on the "Download" button and then select the "Crosstab" option. 

Screenshot of the Download Crosstab option

7Click on “Crosstab” and the data will be downloaded as an Excel file.

Screenshot of the Downloaded Crosstab Excel file


Downloading a Dashboard as a PDF -

To download a dashboard as a PDF, click on the download link and select select “PDF”.

Screenshot of the Download as PDF option

9After clicking “PDF”, the download PDF window will be displayed. Select “This View” and click on “Create PDF”.

Screenshot of the Download PDF option showing Create PDF button

10A PDF will be generated and downloaded. 

Screenshot of the Downloaded PDFImage RemovedScreenshot of the BHW Grantee Balanced Scorecard Dashboard PDFImage Added